From Immenstadt Approx. 4km on the Missener Strasse in the direction of Missen / Zaumberg. Turn left to Zaumberg, after 100m on the right side on the 2nd floor of the Landgasthof Hirsch; entrance north side via the outside stairs on the back side.
GPS: 47°35'05.4″N 10°11'40.5″E
Vermessung AVT-GmbH has been active in the Allgäu region since 2017 and emerged from the surveying office Martin Köhler, which was founded in 2007.
As part of the AVT Group, we have over 50 years of experience in engineering geodesy!
In addition to alpine operations, our tasks also include road construction, residential construction and industrial construction projects. When it comes to millimeter-precise monitoring measurements, we use all our expertise to provide reliable data at all times. Depending on the application, we always use the best possible technical equipment.
State-of-the-art software packages from BricsCAD or IDC EDV are available in the office for evaluating the survey data. With these program packages, as-built plans, deformation evaluations, 3D models, DTM calculations, rental area determinations or construction invoices can be processed competently and in high quality.
Land & Building
We are your reliable partner
Ownership of land is characterized by high security of value.
To ensure that everything is geometrically correct before, during and after construction, we accompany your construction project from project to completion and assure you of accurate and timely completion of surveying tasks for all project phases.
The changeover of the official reference system in Bavaria to UTM32 on January 1, 2019 presents new challenges for all parties involved. For example, distances and areas calculated from UTM coordinates deviate from the real measurements (=natural dimensions). In Bavaria, this can amount to a difference of up to 12cm per 100 m of measured distance!
This is to be considered with exact planning / border distances etc. in any case!
We will be happy to work out a solution for your project that has been coordinated with all parties involved.
Due to the registration in the list of "Prüfsachverständige für Vermessung im Bauwesen" of the Bavarian Chamber of Engineers (Bau), Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Martin Köhler is also able to carry out control tasks of the lower building authority or to survey the new building also for the transfer into the digital cadastral map.
- Inventory
- Stakeout
- Facades, cubatures
- Light and shadow
- Measurement in sport
your contact person
Martin Köhler, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
+49 8323 5209011
Surveying AVT-GmbH
Bridle mountain 18
D-87509 Immenstadt
Tel: +49 8323 5209011
Managing Directors: Martin Köhler and Alexander Trefalt
Registered office of the company: Immenstadt i. Allgäu
VAT ID No.: DE 305339999
HRB 13154
Local court: Register court Kempten